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Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

We offer a range of clinically approved treatments, including Tadalafil, Tadalafil Daily, Sildenafil, Cialis, and Viagra, tailored to help you regain confidence and improve your quality of life. Our simple and secure online consultation process ensures you receive personalised advice and the best treatment options for your needs.

Take control of your sexual health today with our safe, discreet, and professional support every step of the way.

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What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction or disorder (ED) is the inability to develop and maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse or activity. For some men erectile dysfunction can appear occasionally from time to time and for others it is an ongoing problem. Erectile or male sexual dysfunction, can have many causes such as tiredness, anxiety or consuming too much alcohol. However, in some cases ED can be caused by underlying health conditions. Treating erectile dysfunction may require a simple lifestyle change, although in some cases, prescription medication can be very helpful in maintaining a satisfactory sex life.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction and What Causes It?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is also referred to as impotence. It is a condition that affects men and it's defined by the inability to develop and maintain a satisfactory erection that is required for sexual intercourse or the inability to develop and maintain an erection in response to sexual stimulation.

Erectile dysfunction is a very common issue and can affect a man at any age, although it becomes more frequent with older age. Approximately 50% of men between the ages of 40 and 70 will experience erectile dysfunction at least once.

Erections are produced when a man becomes sexually stimulated or aroused. This arousal causes the brain to send signals to the nerves in the penis, which increase the flow of blood to the penis, causing it to enlarge and harden. If anything interrupts this signalling or blood flow, erectile dysfunction can occur. Interruptions to this process of erection can have physical, psychological or medicinal causes.

Physical Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Neurogenic Conditions

Conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson's disease affect the body's nervous system and can interfere with the brain's signalling.

Anatomical Conditions

Conditions like Peyronie's disease affect the tissue in the penis which can result in the inability to develop an erection.

Hormonal Conditions

Conditions such as underactive thyroid, hypogonadism and Cushing's syndrome, can affect the hormone levels in the body that are needed to develop and maintain an erection.

Vascular Conditions

Conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases can affect blood flow to the penis.

Psychological Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Emotional Problems

Your thoughts and feelings can affect your ability to maintain an erection. For example, lack of sexual knowledge can lead to feeling nervous or past sexual history or abuse can trigger anxiety and stress.

Medicinal Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Certain medicines can cause erectile dysfunction in some men. For example, beta-blockers, diuretics, corticosteroids, antidepressants, antihistamines and cytotoxics.

Mental Conditions

Mental strains like stress, anxiety and depression can lead to erectile dysfunction.

What Are the Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction?

The main symptom of erectile dysfunction is the inability to develop and maintain an erection to achieve sexual intercourse. If you experience erectile dysfunction, it is very important to find out what the underlying cause may be. You can sometimes determine this yourself but if in doubt, it's always a good idea to seek the advice of your doctor. An example of you determining the cause could be a scenario where you can maintain an erection whilst masturbating but are unable to maintain an erection when trying to engage in intercourse with your sexual partner. This would indicate that the cause of the dysfunction is very likely to be psychological. However, a scenario in which you cannot develop or maintain an erection in any type of circumstance, would point towards an underlying physical cause or in some cases a medicinal cause. If you are taking any prescription medication, it would be a good idea to check the possible side effects of that drug.

The most common cause of Erectile Dysfunction is due to a reduced flow of blood to the penis. For a large number of men, this can be caused by the narrowing of the blood vessels that stimulate blood flow into the penis, disallowing a sufficient amount of blood needed to develop or maintain an erection. Some lifestyle or health factors that can reduce the amount of blood flow to the penis include; excess weight gain, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking and diabetes. As erectile dysfunction can be caused by these underlying health conditions, it may very well act as an early indicator for heart disease and you should therefore get a full check-up with your GP.

If the onset of Erectile Dysfunction occurs slowly, it is more likely to indicate a physical cause, such as the narrowing of blood vessels. However, if Erectile Dysfunction occurs abruptly, it is more likely that the cause is psychological.

Other causes of Erectile Dysfunction can include; injuries and diseases that affect the nerves or blood vessels in the penis; abnormal hormone levels, such as low testosterone; excess alcohol or drug abuse; psychological/emotional problems such as anxiety and stress.

How Is Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosed?

Erectile dysfunction can be self-diagnosed, as the main symptom is the inability to maintain an erection- which can be fairly obvious and apparent to yourself. However, whenever you experience a new symptom or issue with your bodily functions, it is always recommended that you seek the advice of your doctor. Erectile dysfunction can be a sensitive issue that you may not wish to share or discuss with your doctor. If this is the case, we recommend that you still ask your doctor for a check-up, as erectile dysfunction can be a symptom of an underlying health condition or conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, which need to be addressed as soon as possible.

When you consult with your doctor about your erectile dysfunction, they will require you to answer some questions about your sexual and medical history first. It is important to be honest about your answers as this will aid diagnosis. Your doctor may ask you questions about:

  • Your sexual orientation

  • Previous and current sexual partners

  • Levels of sexual desire and libido

  • How long you've been suffering from erectile dysfunction and to what degree you can develop an erection

  • Whether or not you've been able to achieve orgasm or ejaculation

They may also ask you about more serious health conditions or general things such as your overall physical and mental health, drug or alcohol consumption, medications you take and various lifestyle habits (diet, exercise).

Your doctor may perform a number of simple tests to aid diagnosis:

  • Blood pressure test

  • Height, weight and waist measurements

  • Heart rate check

  • Blood glucose and lipids test

  • Ultrasound

  • Physical examination of penis

If you are over the age of 50 then your doctor may wish to perform a rectal (prostate) exam where they will insert a gloved finger into the anus. This will help rule out underlying health conditions such as prostate cancer.

In some cases, your doctor may want to carry out a blood test to check the hormone levels. This and further tests will help rule out any possible hormonal conditions such as low testosterone (hypogonadism).

Erectile dysfunction (caused by physical problems) is rare in men under the age of 40, so in this case, further testing may be required or you may be referred to a specialist.

What Treatments Are Available for Erectile Dysfunction?

In recent years, the treatments available for erectile dysfunction have greatly improved, with most men being able to resume satisfactory sexual activity. Treatments are usually a combination of medication and lifestyle changes.

The four main medications available to treat erectile dysfunction are:

  • Sildenafil

  • Viagra

  • Tadalafil

  • Cialis

These four medications are all designed to do the same thing but there are important differentiating features between them. Choosing the right medication will depend on various factors such as your current state of health and whether or not you are taking any other medication. It can also be a case of personal preference. Please note that Viagra is just the branded version of Sildenafil and it actually contains Sildenafil.

Sildenafil / Viagra

  • Available in 25mg, 50mg and 100mg tablets

  • Should be taken 1 hour before sexual intercourse

  • The effects should last between 4-5 hours

  • Food can slow down the effectiveness of Sildenafil

Tadalafil / Cialis

  • Available in 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg and 20mg tablets

  • The 2.5mg and 5mg tablets are taken once per day

  • The 10mg and 20mg tablets are taken when required (before sexual activity)

  • Should be taken 30 minutes before sexual intercourse

  • The effects should last approximately 36 hours

  • These medications are not affected by food

The right dosage strength will not relate to the size of an individual or their blood pressure. It is therefore recommended that all new patients start with a medium strength dose. For Viagra and Sildenafil, this would be the 50mg tablet. For Tadalafil and Cialis, this would be the lowest dose of the ‘when required' tablet which is 10mg.

When initially using the medication, it should be trialled for at least 4 times before deciding whether the dosage strength is effective enough or is too strong. In some cases, it may be a good idea to try one of the alternative drugs instead of opting for a higher dosage.

These medication needs to be taken before sex and they should be effective for several hours. There are slight variations between these medications in terms of how long the effects last. Although these medications state that the effects last for a certain amount of time, the penis will still need stimulation or sexual arousal to maintain an erection.

The most common side effects of these medications are headaches and flushing.

It is very important to consult with your doctor before attempting to buy these medications and to also purchase them from a trusted online store to avoid buying fake or ineffective versions.

A lot of the time, erectile dysfunction is caused by a psychological issue. If this is the case for you, treatment such as counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy or sex therapy can be very helpful, especially when combined with physical therapy.

When erectile dysfunction does not respond to drug treatment or psychotherapy, your doctor may suggest alternative treatments, such as prosthesis, hormone therapy, vacuum devices and in some cases, surgery. These alternatives should only be considered as a last resort when dealing with a severe case of erectile dysfunction.

Lifestyle Changes

Listed below are a number of lifestyles changes you can make to reduce the risk or effects of erectile dysfunction:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight

  • Minimising consumption of fatty and salty foods

  • Quitting smoking and drug use

  • Minimising alcohol consumption

  • Minimising stress levels

  • Regular physical exercise

These lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of you developing erectile dysfunction and improve your overall health.

Erectile Dysfunction Misconceptions

Erectile Dysfunction Is Linked to Sexual Attraction – False

People are under the notion that if a man needs to take Viagra to maintain an erection, it means he isn't sexually attracted to his partner. This is simply not the case. Even after taking Viagra, a man can only develop an erection if he is properly stimulated.

Of course, there is the possibility that you find your partner unattractive, in which case the cause of the erectile dysfunction would be a psychological one and taking medication to treat it won't help.

Erectile Dysfunction Is When You NEVER Get an Erection – False

There is a belief that if a man doesn't have erection problems ALL the time, it cannot be Erectile Dysfunction. This is not the case. There are varying degrees and symptoms of erectile dysfunction including; the inability to achieve any erection at all; achieving a mild erection but not enough to enter your partner; developing an erection but not being able to maintain it throughout sexual intercourse.

Erectile Dysfunction Only Occurs in Old Men – False

There is a general belief that erectile dysfunction is an issue that only older men have to deal with. This is not the case. Although the likelihood of developing erectile dysfunction increases with age, erectile dysfunction can occur at any age.

Taking Viagra Means You Will Have an Erection Until the Effects of the Drug Wear off – False

Due to pop culture and the spreading of misinformation, many people are under the impression that Viagra causes a constant erection. This is not the case; without arousal or stimulation an erection cannot be maintained. The active ingredients in Viagra and similar drugs do not automatically provide an erection, but instead open the veins allowing for more blood flow to the penis when stimulated. Theoretically, you could take the appropriate medication and still not achieve an erection if you aren't properly aroused or stimulated.


Can I cut the Erectile Dysfunction treatment tablets in half?

Quick Meds and the manufacturers of the Erectile Dysfunction medication, do not recommend cutting or breaking any of the tablets. This is because cutting/halving or altering the medication is against the products license. If you do wish to halve a tablet, please speak to one of our friendly team who will advise if the particular brand in stock is suitable.

What should I do if the Erectile Dysfunction medications I took don't work?

When you initially start taking the medication, your doctor will prescribe the medium dosage. It is important to trial the drug at least four times before deciding it doesn’t work for you. If this is the case, your doctor may suggest a higher dose or an alternative medication. If the initial dose was more effective than anticipated, you can try a lower dosage. 

It is important to remember that eating a heavy meal or consuming excessive amounts of alcohol can impair the drug's effectiveness. Always seek the advice of your doctor before taking prescription medication and read the safety information and instructions provided with it.

What are the side effects of Erectile Dysfunction treatments?

The medications available that treat Erectile Dysfunction are very well tolerated by most people. The most common side effects are only experienced mildly, they can include headaches, flushing, heartburn and nasal congestion. For a full list of side effects, please visit each individual treatment page.

Are condoms causing my Erectile Dysfunction?

Although condoms can interfere with arousal and stimulation, therefore interfering with erection, there is no direct link between them. It is important to buy the correct sized condom as this could interfere with blood flow and stimulation.

Is Erectile Dysfunction linked to premature ejaculation?

Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation can occur simultaneously, however, there is no direct correlation.

Does Erectile Dysfunction affect ejaculation, sperm count or fertility?

Despite not being able to develop or maintain an erection, a man can still have sexual desire as well as be able to have an orgasm and ejaculate. Without an erection however, it’s more or less impossible to engage in successful sexual intercourse. In order to conceive, sperm must travel to the partner's egg and if this process is prevented or interrupted, it can lead to infertility. In some cases, erectile dysfunction may be linked to low sperm count or low levels of testosterone, which both point towards low likelihood of conception.

Is it safe to buy Erectile Dysfunction medication online?

It is important to check the legitimacy of the online pharmacy you wish to purchase medication from. To provide prescription drugs, the website and dispensary must be registered in the UK with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) 

Quick Meds is registered with the GPhC (you can find our regulatory information below) and is also an NHS registered pharmacy providing services to NHS patients.

Is Erectile Dysfunction medication available online?

Yes. You can buy all the medication online here at Quick Meds. All that is required is that you fill out a consultation form for one of our prescribers to check. If they deem the medication appropriate for you, they can issue a prescription for the treatment of your choice. The prescription is then dispensed by our NHS pharmacy and dispatched to the address of your choice.

What are the alternative treatment options for Erectile Dysfunction?

Lifestyle Changes – Reducing excess weight, consuming less alcohol, quitting cigarettes and getting regular exercise, may be necessary to resolve the underlying cause. 

Vacuum Devices – these are applied externally to draw more blood supply into the penis. A ring is used at the base of the penis to reduce outflow and maintain the erection for a longer period.

Referral to healthcare specialist – in some cases your doctor may refer you to a urologist or neurologist. If all the possible physical causes have been ruled out, your doctor may refer you to a psychologist.

Can Erectile Dysfunction be cured?

Most cases of erectile dysfunction respond well to medication, allowing men to develop and maintain an erection. It is important to remember that the treatments are addressing a symptom and not the underlying cause. So, although the medication can allow you to continue with a normal sex life, it is essential that you try and find out what the underlying cause is

Can Erectile Dysfunction be prevented?

Not all causes of erectile dysfunction can be prevented, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing some of the underlying causes of erectile function, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. Having open and honest communication with your sexual partner can alleviate stress and prevent some of the psychological causes of erectile dysfunction.

Is Erectile Dysfunction related to aging?

Erectile dysfunction can occur at any age but is more prevalent in men over 40. This is due to the fact that with increased age comes the increased likelihood of developing the underlying physical causes that lead to erectile dysfunction such as heart disease and high blood pressure. Erectile dysfunction is not an inevitable part of aging and some men don’t experience it.

Do all men have Erectile Dysfunction?

No. One in five men will experience erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives, even though only 10% of those who experience it ever seek medical treatment. The condition has a lot of negative stigmas attached to it and for this reason many men are hesitant to seek medical advice about it and prefer to suffer in unnecessary silence.

Is Erectile Dysfunction the same as impotence?

Yes. Erectile dysfunction and impotence are both defined by not being able to develop or maintain an erection long enough to have normal sexual intercourse.

Will I have to take Erectile Dysfunction medication for the rest of my life?

The duration of the course of your treatment will depend on the underlying cause and how fast it is resolved. Some underlying causes such as diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity can be resolved through lifestyle changes and getting the right treatment for these conditions. Therefore, over time some men may see an improvement in their overall health and slowly reduce the amount of ED medication they need.

Will I become addicted to the medication, if I need a tablet every time I want to have sex?

The medication does not contain any addictive substances. It is essential to keep in mind that the medication is treating a symptom and not addressing the cause or underlying condition. If the underlying condition gets worse, you may need a higher dose of medication. Relying on tablets for an erection can cause performance anxiety in some men, leading to a psychological dependency to the drug (they don’t think they can operate without it).

If my erection does not reduce after four hours, what should I do?

An erection that lasts for more than 4 hours (priapism) needs urgent medical attention. If it is left untreated it can cause long term damage to the nerves and blood vessels in the penis. This condition is rare and is unlikely to occur if you follow the instructions provided to you correctly.

If one Erectile Dysfunction treatment isn't effective, can I try another?

Everyone's body is different and can react differently to the different medical treatments used. You may want to try an alternative medication if the one you started with is effective. Please note, that you should try the treatment at least four times before determining whether or not it works for you. You should never take more than one treatment at once and you need to leave 24 hours or 36 hours between doses depending on which medication you started with.

Do the different brands have different effectiveness?

Sildenafil, Viagra, Tadalafil and Cialis, all work the same way to produce an erection but have subtle differences in how long the effects last and how quick the onset of the effects come about. Cialis and Tadalafil generally have the fastest onset (sometimes within 15 minutes) and have the longest lasting effects (up to 36 hours). Sildenafil and Viagra usually take an average of 30 minutes to start their effects which can last up to 4 hours.

How long do I have to wait between doses?

You should not take more than one Sildenafil or Viagra tablet within a 24-hour window.

You should not take more than one Tadalafil or Cialis tablet within a 36-hour window and no more than two ‘as required’ tablets in one week.

You should not take more than one ‘daily’ tablet of Tadalafil or Cialis within a 24-hour window.

Written by

Reviewed by

Ikra Javed

Clinical Pharmacist