Opticrom Allergy 2% w/v Eye Drops Solution

This medicine contains sodium cromoglicate which belongs to a group of medicines called anti-allergics. It works by stopping the release of the natural substances in your eyes that can lead to an allergic reaction. This medicine is used for the prevention and treatment of eye allergies. These allergies can happen: • At any time of the year and is called ‘perennial allergic conjunctivitis’ • In different seasons of the year caused by different pollens. This is called ‘seasonal allergic conjunctivitis’ or hay fever
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  • Rapid Relief
  • Easy to administer
  • Fast acting

Opticrom eye drops give rapid relief from allergy symptoms which affect the eyes such as itchy, watery, puffy eyes.

Histamine is a substance released by the bodies ‘mast cells’ as part of an immune response to foreign particles. It is this histamine which causes all of the symptoms of hay fever we all dislike and know all too well such as itchy, watery, puffy eyes.

Opticrom eye drops contain the active ingredient called ‘sodium cromoglicate’ which stabilises these mast cells which in turn stops the release of histamine and consequently stops the symptoms of hay fever. 


  1 – Wash your hands well before use

  2 – tilt your head back  

3 – instill one or two drops into each eye, up to four times a day.

X – avoid touching the tip of the dropped onto your eye or any other surface.

X – not suitable if you are pregnant or breast feeding

Side Effects

 Side effects are not very common but can still occur, these include but are not limited to:

§  Stinging eyes

§  Blurred vision (although this usually passes a few moments after using the drops)

·         Further information is available in the patient information leaflet. 


  For up to date information on the list of ingredients please see the patient information leaflet


o Please ensure you familiarise yourself with the patient information leaflet included with your order. Alternatively you can visit the link below

Patient Information Leaflet