Hair is an important aspect of a man's self-esteem and appearance. If you notice you're losing your hair, you may feel less attractive or even self-conscious.

Hair loss can also have a significant impact on your self-confidence and social life, especially when meeting new people and looking for romantic relationships.

It's a common issue, affecting 80% of men, but that doesn't mean you can't do anything about it.

In this article, we'll talk about the hair growth process, what affects it, and how you can make your hair grow faster and thicker.

Understanding Hair Growth and Factors Affecting It

Hair growth is complicated. Hair cells pass through various stages of activity, and different people have different hair growth speeds. Let's learn more about hair growth and the factors that affect it.

The Hair Growth Cycle

Hair growth happens as part of a cycle. During the first phase of the hair growth cycle, anagen, follicle cells are actively growing and dividing. This is also known as the growth stage, and can last for several years.

Next comes catagen, a stage of transition where cell growth stops but the hair stays in place. This usually only lasts around ten days.

The last stage is telogen or the resting stage. No new growth happens during telogen, with around 15% of your hair in this resting stage at any point. Your hair eventually falls out, and the cycle starts again.

Factors Affecting Hair Growth

Lots of different factors affect hair growth, including your genes, sex, age, diet, hormones, and stress.

Stress can cause issues with hair loss in different ways. Directly, stress can cause hair follicles to move from the growth phase into the resting phase, leading to hair shedding. This is known as telogen effluvium.

Chronic stress can also cause issues with your immune system. One example of this is alopecia areata, where the immune system attacks your follicles, causing you to shed hair.

Male pattern hair loss (also known as androgenetic alopecia), can run in families. This means genes are passed on that affect hair growth. As the name suggests, men are more commonly affected.

Hormones can stimulate your follicles and increase growth, or worsen hair loss. Testosterone is one of the main hormones involved. Let's find out more below.

The Science Behind Hair Growth: DHT and Follicle Health

Hair growth is a complicated process, with lots of different factors involved. We mentioned a few above, but let's discuss two of the most important ones in more detail.

Testosterone, DHT, and Hair Growth

We've already mentioned one of the most common types of hair loss: male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). Your genes can increase the chance you'll develop this type of hair loss. But testosterone is ultimately to blame. Specifically, dihydrotestosterone, also known as DHT.

Around 10% of testosterone is converted into DHT each day, mainly in the prostate. But there are ways to slow this down - more on this later.

DHT shortens the hair growth cycle, shrinking the hair follicle and disrupting hair growth. Hair strands are shorter, thinner, and poorer quality. Growth slows down, and the hair follicle eventually stops producing hairs altogether.

Hair Follicle Health and Regrowth

Hair follicles need to stay in good condition for healthy hair growth. They're found in the top two skin layers and are made of a layer of cells that grow to create a space for the hair to grow.

The cells forming the follicle can be affected by infection, lack of nutrients, attack from your immune system, or physical damage. As we mentioned, hormones and other chemicals can also cause changes to your hair follicles.

Some people believe when you pull out a hair, you're pulling out the follicle. Luckily, that's not true, and healthy follicles will regrow hair. But how can you make sure your follicles are healthy?

Tips for Promoting Healthy Hair Growth

Healthy hair habits help keep both your scalp and hair in good condition.

Scalp Care and Hygiene

A clean and well-nourished scalp helps keep hair healthy. Poor scalp hygiene can lead to clogged hair follicles as dead skin cells build up. This can limit hair growth.

Here are our top tips for good scalp care and hygiene.

Gentle, Regular Washing

Use paraben-free hair products to wash your scalp and hair gently. Once a week, you can do a proper scalp shampoo where you leave the product for a few minutes before rinsing.

Wash your hair regularly. How long hair can go between washes depends on your hair type. On average, experts recommend every 2-3 days. For fine, straight hair, you may need to wash it more often. Thicker hair or dry hair may need washing less often.

Avoid using hot water, as it can strip your scalp of essential oils and cause dryness, split ends, thinning hair, and hair breakage. Instead, use lukewarm water.

Scalp Massage

Massaging your scalp aids in boosting blood circulation, which can encourage hair growth. Use your fingertips to massage your scalp gently in circular motions, starting at the front of your scalp and working your way back.

Standardized scalp massage results suggest that scalp massage may cause increased hair thickness. By improving blood flow, the follicles are stimulated, and better quality hair grows.

Avoid Harsh Hair Practices

Avoid utilising hot styling instruments like hair dryers and straighteners, as they have the potential to harm your hair and scalp. Towel dry wet hair or let hair air dry rather than using a blow dryer.

If you must use heated tools, use them sparingly and at a low heat setting. Make sure your hair isn't soaking wet before using these tools, as the hair shaft is more easily damaged by heat. The more heat you expose your hair to, the more hair breaks and the more split ends form.

Tight hair styles can also lead to hair loss - this is called traction alopecia. The pulling motion damages your follicles and can cause hair thinning and breakage. Make your hair grow faster by only wearing tight styles occasionally.

Scalp care is an important way to support how hair grows, but lifestyle factors also affect hair health.

Lifestyle Practices for Optimal Hair Growth

From diet to sleep, many lifestyle choices impact how our hair grows.

Maintaining a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is important for hair. Essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats help maintain a healthy scalp and encourage hair growth.

A nutritional deficiency will not only slow down healthy growth but may also cause hair loss in the long run. Let's talk about some diet tips for healthier hair.

Protein-Rich Foods for Healthy Hair

A diet rich in protein can help to promote healthier hair. Some of the best sources of protein include lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, and nuts.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, flaxseed oil, and chia seeds, can help encourage faster hair growth. Nuts and seeds are a beneficial source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and zinc, all of which are crucial for healthier hair.

Vitamins and Minerals

More vitamins and minerals in your diet can help many body functions, including hair growth. Vitamin A produces sebum - the natural oils which moisturise the scalp and keep the hair shiny and healthy. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that also helps to keep your scalp healthy.

Other important nutrients include zinc, vitamin D, and biotin. Lots of diets lack these essential vitamins, so you may benefit from a supplement. Ask a healthcare professional which supplements are suitable for you, especially if you have any underlying medical issues. Specialist hair growth supplements are available.

Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods are often high in sugar, unhealthy fats, and artificial ingredients, which can lead to inflammation and damage to hair follicles. Avoiding processed foods and consuming a diet rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods can help keep hair thicker and healthier.

Stress Management

Stress can have a significant impact on how your hair grows. As we mentioned earlier, stress interrupts the hair growth cycle and causes issues with your immune system, causing it to target your natural hair.

Managing stress is important to keep hair healthy. Stress management techniques can help with this, but it's important to seek professional help if you're struggling. Some useful techniques to try include:

  1. Guided meditation: Use guided meditation to distract yourself from the stress of day-to-day life.

  2. Deep breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises to help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

  3. Physical exercise: Regular physical exercise can help relieve stress and improve overall quality of life. We'll talk more about the added benefits of exercise later.

  4. Good nutrition: A regular eating schedule and a balanced diet can help reduce stress and its effects on the body.

  5. Manage social media time: Many of us spend too much time looking at a screen. As one of many online activities, social media encourages us to compare ourselves to others, piling on added pressure. Limiting your social media time can help to reduce added stress and improve your mental health.

By incorporating these stress management techniques into your daily routine, you can help reduce stress. This will help your hair grow.

Remember, it's ok to ask for help.

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is not only helpful for heart health and reducing stress but also for promoting hair growth. Exercise increases blood circulation, allowing for more nutrients and oxygen to reach the scalp.

It's also likely that exercise helps keep follicles in the first stage of the growth cycle, although more research is needed to confirm this.

Regular cardiovascular exercises at least three times a week help to improve circulation around the whole body, including the scalp.

We mentioned in the previous section that exercise also helps to reduce stress. Exercising releases endorphins in the body, which are happy hormones that help you relax.

However, excessive sweating can actually damage hair, as it can lead to inflammation and infection. Make sure to wash your hair after an intense workout to avoid this.

Adequate Sleep

Many of us know sleep is essential for overall health, but it turns out it's also important for hair health. Studies have shown that poor sleep is tied to hair loss, and that sleeping less can lower your body's hormone levels, affecting your hair.

Quality sleep is needed for your body to rest and repair itself. Without enough sleep, nutrients aren't absorbed properly, and hair quality suffers. The hormones and enzymes needed to grow hair are also impacted by poor sleep.

During sleep, your body also produces melatonin. This hormone helps regulate your sleep cycle and has been shown to increase hair growth.

By prioritising sleep, you can promote healthy hair and maintain your health and well-being.

Exploring Hair Loss: Causes and Solutions

Not all hair loss is the same, so neither is the treatment. Many types of hair loss are caused by stress and the immune system. The tips we mentioned above may help with these conditions. Seek medical help if you're worried something more serious is going on.

Medical treatments are available for some types of hair loss. We'll explain in more detail.

Male Pattern Baldness

As we mentioned, this condition is caused by too much DHT, a type of testosterone. Whilst you can't fully cure the condition, and you can't change your genes, there are some medication options to help with the symptoms.

Prescription Medications for Hair Loss

Prescription medications such as dutasteride and finasteride are commonly used for treating hair loss.

Both medications work by blocking the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hormone responsible for androgenic alopecia.

Dutasteride is a more potent DHT blocker than finasteride and may be more effective. Whilst it's not licensed to treat hair loss in the UK, it's widely used for this.

It's important to remember that, as with any medication, finasteride and dutasteride may also have side effects.

Before starting any prescription or medicated hair products, you'll need to be reviewed by a health professional. Quick Meds offers flexible virtual consultations to make sure you're safely prescribed the best treatment option for you.

Over-the-Counter Treatments

Minoxidil] is a topical medication used to stimulate hair regrowth in men with male pattern hair loss. It's available in several forms, including solution, foam, and spray.

It works by increasing blood flow to the scalp, which helps to deliver more nutrients and oxygen to the follicles.

Apply minoxidil correctly for the best results.


  • Make sure your hair and scalp are completely dry before applying

  • Follow the instructions on how to apply the solution, using the applicator provided

  • Apply the advised amount to the area of the scalp being treated, beginning in the centre

  • Use your fingers to spread the minoxidil over the area and gently massage into your scalp

  • Apply minoxidil twice a day, every day, for best results


  • Don't get your hair wet for 4 hours after application

  • Don't use minoxidil if you're 18 years old or younger

Minoxidil may have side effects - consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new medication.

Debunking Hair Growth Myths

There are many myths surrounding hair, and it can be challenging to separate fact from fiction. Here are two common myths debunked.

Myth 1: Shaving will make hair grow back thicker and faster

This common myth has been around for years. However, shaving your hair does not affect the rate or thickness of hair growth. Hair growth is decided by genetics and hormones - shaving only changes the length.

Myth 2: Wearing hats can cause baldness

There's no clear evidence that hats are linked to hair loss. One study in babies suggests that wearing a hat may cause hair loss. Some specialists also feel tight hats may restrict blood flow to the follicles, ultimately affecting how hair grows.

However, it's unlikely that a hat will affect your hair health as long as it's not too tight and you're washing it regularly.

Consulting a Professional for Hair Growth Concerns

If you're worried about losing your hair, it's important to seek expert advice from a dermatologist or healthcare provider. They'll be able to advise you on the available treatments and investigate whether there's a medical cause for your symptoms.

Here at Quick Meds, we can help advise you on the best hair loss treatment for you. Everyone is different, and after a consultation, we'll suggest the best hair loss medication based on your individual needs.

Summary of Hair Growth Tips and Advice

Maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress are ways to keep your hair in top condition. Try to avoid unhealthy habits that can damage your hair, and maintain good hair hygiene.

It's important to seek professional guidance if you're worried about your hair.

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Reviewed by

Wajahet Ali Bhatti

Clinical Governance Pharmacist

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