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Weight Loss Treatments

We offer a range of clinically approved treatments, including Mounjaro, Wegovy and Orlistat, tailored to support your journey towards a healthier you. Our simple and secure online consultation process ensures you receive personalised advice and the best treatment options for your needs.

Start your weight loss journey with us today for safe, discreet, and professional support every step of the way.

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Understanding Weight Loss Treatments

Obesity is becoming a serious health problem in the UK. As well as the psychological impact of being overweight, obesity is responsible for 44% of diabetes cases, 23% of heart disease, and up to 41% of cancers.

Exercise and diet are important for weight loss, but some people struggle to lose weight using these methods alone. Weight loss treatments are an important tool to help with weight loss, including weight loss tablets, injectable medication, and even weight loss surgery. Used effectively, they can lead to significant weight loss and improvements in various health conditions like diabetes.

Obesity: An Overview

What is Obesity?

Simply, obesity is when a person has 'too much body fat'. This is typically defined as having a body mass index (BMI) which is over 30.

BMI is the most common measurement of obesity, calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in square meters.

Your BMI will typically fall into one of 5 different bands:

  • Under 18.5 - 'underweight'

  • Between 18.5 and 24.9 - 'healthy range'

  • Between 25 and 29.9 - 'overweight'

  • Between 30 and 39.9 - 'obesity'

  • 40 or over - 'severe obesity'

Having a BMI which is over 25 may indicate that you are carrying excess weight but it is important to remember that BMI isn't always a representative value and should be taken with caution in individuals who may have a different body composition. For example, if you are a bodybuilder and have more muscle mass, your BMI might be skewed or if you have a limb amputation you may find that you fall into the 'underweight' category. It is important to take BMI as one of many different metrics when considering if a patient is clinically overweight or not.

Waist circumference is a more accurate measurement of obesity. It's measured at the narrowest point between the bottom of the ribcage and the top of the hip bone. Values are gender-specific: 94cm or more in men and 80cm or more in women suggest the person is at high risk of obesity-related health problems.

Obesity is caused by an imbalance between the number of calories coming in and the number being burned. However, a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors are also involved.

Your genes can play a role in how likely you are to become obese. Over 50 genes are linked to an increased risk of obesity. Many control energy balance in the body, including how you store fat.

Environmental and lifestyle factors, like access to healthy food and physical activity, can also contribute to obesity.

Rarely, some medical conditions can also cause you to gain weight. For example, an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). Medication for other health conditions, especially steroids, can also make weight gain worse. Make sure to talk to your GP or online doctor if you’re worried.

Health Risks Associated with Obesity

Obesity can lead to a range of health issues including:

  • Coronary heart disease

  • High blood pressure

  • Stroke

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • An increased risk of certain types of cancer

  • Breathing problems and sleep apnoea

  • Kidney disease

  • Joint issues and arthritis

  • Infertility

It can also impact self-esteem and lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. One study found that individuals with obesity were up to 55% more likely to develop depression than those with a "normal" BMI.

Importance of Addressing Obesity

Achieving a healthier weight not only reduces your risk of developing serious health problems but can really improve your mental well-being and self-confidence. If you're struggling to get to a healthy weight through lifestyle changes alone, you may consider trying weight loss medication.

Prescription Weight Loss Medications

Overview of Prescription Medications

Many weight loss medications are only available on prescription from a healthcare professional. This is to make sure you're prescribed the most appropriate treatment considering your other medication, health conditions, and lifestyle. A healthcare professional will also monitor you for side effects and to check you're getting the desired results.

Weight loss medications can be categorised into injections and tablets. Read more about some of the most common types of weight loss medication below.

You may find some of the products listed below available from non-pharmacies. It is vital to remember that weight loss medications are prescription medications which must be prescribed by a suitably qualified and experienced healthcare professional. When you consult with a healthcare professional, there are many things taken into consideration including your medical history, risk factors, presence of any serious medical conditions and what will work best to help you lose weight.

Common Weight Loss Medications in the UK

Mounjaro (Tirzepatide)

Another injectable weight loss medication, Mounjaro works similarly to Wegovy by making you fuller for longer, stabilising blood sugar levels, and delaying stomach emptying. It's also injected weekly.

Mounjaro goes one step further than Wegovy, targeting two receptors rather than one. Studies suggest this may make it more effective for weight loss, with Mounjaro users losing 2.4% more weight than those taking semaglutide (the active ingredient of Wegovy).

As with Wegovy, Mounjaro is suitable for adults with a BMI of ≥30 or ≥27 in adults with a weight-related health condition. There's limited evidence as to whether Mounjaro is safe for children and teenagers.

Common side effects include diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and tiredness. More rarely, some individuals experience gallbladder problems, pancreatitis, and (very rarely) allergic reactions.

Currently, there are many clinical trials taking place looking at the other benefits of medicated weight loss medication such as Mounjaro.

Orlistat (Tetrahydrolipstatin)

Orlistat works by reducing the amount of dietary fat your body absorbs.

Instead of being used for energy or stored, fat passes through your digestive tract and ends up in your poo. It's taken three times a day with meals and can be skipped if you miss a meal or your meal doesn't contain any fat.

If you don’t lose weight after 3 months, it’s likely Orlistat isn’t a good weight loss medicine for you and your prescriber will likely suggest an alternative. Typically, users lose an average of 5.6kg over 6 months.

Common side effects include stomach pain, pooing and farting more often, oily poo, a sudden urge to poo, and oily discharge from the back passage. Making sure to eat a low-fat diet may help improve these side effects.  

Orlistat can affect how other medication is absorbed, including the contraceptive pill and Parkinson's medications like monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

To take Orlistat, you must have either a BMI over 30 or a BMI over 28 and another weight-related health condition. If you have issues with bile flow in your liver (cholestasis) or problems absorbing vitamins, you may not be able to take this medicine.

Saxenda (Liraglutide)

Saxenda contains the active ingredient liraglutide which belongs to the same drug family as semaglutide (Wegovy). Injected daily, Saxenda works to make you feel fuller. By feeling less hungry, you may find it easier to reduce your calorie intake and achieve a healthy weight.

In clinical trials, individuals taking Saxenda for 20 weeks at the highest dose lost an average of 7.2kg.

Again, although Saxenda is NHS-approved, it does come with side effects. Commonly, these include vomiting and feeling sick, headaches, stomach pains, and a reaction where you inject the medication.

More significant effects like changed enzyme levels, kidney issues, and allergic reactions are much rarer.

To take Saxenda, you should have a BMI of ≥30 or ≥27 if you also have a weight-related condition.

Wegovy (Semaglutide)

Containing the active ingredient semaglutide, Wegovy is a weekly injection that works by suppressing your appetite and slowing down how quickly your stomach empties, causing you to eat less food. If you're burning more calories than you're eating, you may experience significant weight loss.

Studies suggest that individuals taking semaglutide lose an average of 12kg over 6 months (10.9% of their body weight).

Wegovy has now replaced Ozempic to treat obesity. They both contain the same active ingredient, but Ozempic is licensed for the treatment of type 2 diabetes whilst Wegovy is licensed for weight loss.

Adults under the age of 75 with a BMI over 30 can be prescribed Wegovy, as can individuals with a BMI over 27 if they have certain weight-related health conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease. Wegovy may be suitable for children in some cases, but this should be discussed in detail with a doctor.

The most common side effects of Wegovy are vomiting, sickness, and diarrhoea. More serious side effects are rarer.

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Weight Loss Injections

How Do Weight Loss Injections Work?

Most weight loss injections target a receptor known as the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor. By mimicking the hormone GLP-1, these medications activate this type of receptor, leading to improved blood glucose levels, slower stomach emptying, and reduced hunger signals. Together, this makes you feel fuller for longer and eat less.

Mounjaro, Wegovy, Ozempic, and Saxenda all work in this way. However, Mounjaro also targets another type of receptor called the glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptor. This helps reduce how much sugar the liver produces, whilst regulating blood sugar in others ways, reducing hunger cues, and delaying stomach emptying. As it targets two different receptors, Mounjaro may result in better weight loss results.

Off-Label Weight Loss Injections

Ozempic (Semaglutide)

What is Ozempic?

Originally developed for managing type 2 diabetes, Ozempic is an injectable medication that contains the active ingredient semaglutide. This is the same active ingredient as Wegovy.

Ozempic works similarly to Wegovy: by targeting the GLP-1 receptor, leading to increased feelings of fullness and reduced hunger cues.

Why is Ozempic No Longer Prescribed for Weight Loss in the UK?

Ozempic is an effective treatment for people with type 2 diabetes. When Ozempic began to be used for weight loss, this led to issues with supply. Unfortunately, this meant there wasn't enough of the medication for people with type 2 diabetes who relied on Ozempic to regulate their blood sugar levels.

Since then, the UK regulations have changed to reduce the prescribing of Ozempic for weight loss and to ensure it is only prescribed for its licensed indication of type 2 diabetes. Wegovy was launched in October 2023 and is licensed specifically for weight loss.

Wegovy contains the same active ingredient as Ozempic (semaglutide) and has a license for prescribing to patients who require it for weight loss. This has helped reduce the pressures on Ozempic supply and type 2 diabetic patients can now continue to access Ozempic as a safe and effective treatment for their diabetes whilst Wegovy ensures the needs of patients who require semaglutide for weight loss are also met.

In some cases, Ozempic may still be prescribed 'off-label' although this is strongly discouraged due to the availability of a licensed product. It may mean that a prescriber has decided to prescribe Ozempic for weight loss 'off-label' if there are local supply constraints.

Prescribing something "off-label" doesn't mean it's dangerous, as the active ingredient has already been thoroughly tested. It just means that it's not licensed for that particular condition. It's an individual decision as to whether a doctor will prescribe Ozempic for weight loss, and they will have to issue a private prescription for it rather than an NHS prescription, making it more expensive.

The common side effects of Ozempic are the same as Wegovy, including diarrhoea, vomiting, stomach pains, and nausea.

Weight Loss Pills and Tablets

Understanding Weight Loss Pills

Most common weight loss pills contain the active ingredient Orlistat (otherwise known as tetrahydrolipstatin). This medication works to reduce how much fat is absorbed from the food you eat by blocking an enzyme found in the gut. The fat passes through your intestines and leaves your body without being absorbed. Unfortunately, this can result in oily stools, discharge from the back passage, diarrhoea, and stomach pain. However, Orlistat can be an effective medication for weight loss.

Other types of weight loss tablets contain two active ingredients in combination: naltrexone and bupropion. Together, these drugs work to reduce cravings and the desire to eat whilst making you feel fuller for longer. Usually, you would take up to 2 tablets twice a day.

With all weight loss drugs, it's important to eat a balanced diet to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need whilst also reducing your calorie intake.

Popular Weight Loss Pills

  • Orlistat - unbranded medication that typically comes as a 120mg dose and is taken three times a day

  • Xenical - a particular brand of orlistat, comes as a 120mg dose taken three times a day with meals

  • Alli - contains 60mg of orlistat taken three times a day, this is available over the counter without a prescription

  • Mysimba - a prescription weight loss tablet containing bupropion and naltrexone that works to reduce cravings

Not all medications are suitable for everyone, so it's important to speak to a healthcare professional first.

Which Weight Loss Medication Works Best?

The success of certain weight loss medications over other weight loss treatments is very patient-specific.

We consider the most effective weight loss medication to be the one which you take regularly as part of a change in lifestyle with a reduced calorie diet and increase in physical activity.

Based on results from clinical trials, Mounjaro (Tirzepatide) does indicate that it has an edge over Wegovy.

How Much Weight Can You Lose When Taking Weight Loss Medication?

The amount of weight you can lose whilst using medicated weight loss treatment depends on the lifestyle changes that are made and your starting weight alongside the treatment but also patient-specific factors.

Studies indicate that Mounjaro can help you lose up to 21% of body weight at 12 weeks with intensive lifestyle changes with a total average loss of 26.6% over 84 weeks.

Wegovy on the other hand indicated an average of 17.4% weight loss over the course of the clinical trials.

Our real-world results show that the actual results patients see are very individual and do vary. Our goal is to encourage lifestyle change for a healthier long-term prognosis.

Are There Any Side Effects to Taking Weight Loss Medication?

As with all medications, there are side effects which can occur. It is important to read the leaflet included with each treatment. If you are unsure or would like to speak to a healthcare professional, give us a call or drop us a message; we'll be more than happy to help.

Typically side effects with most weight loss treatments consist of:

  • constipation

  • headache

  • feeling sick (nausea)

  • abdominal pain

  • diarrhoea

Lifestyle Changes for Weight Management

It is important to remember that although there may be many weight management medications available, these form only a small part of your weight loss journey. The vast majority of your weight loss will occur from lifestyle changes which are sustained long-term.

Importance of a Healthy Diet

A low-calorie diet is necessary to lose weight, but it's still important to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need. A balanced diet should include healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, lean proteins, and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. If you're taking Orlistat, it's also important to limit your fat intake to less than 30% of a meal.

We ensure that we try to encourage patients to make manageable changes to their diet which are sustainable long term; making switches to healthy foods in place of high fat, high sugar, high salt snacks and aiming for an overall reduced food intake whilst you lose weight. This approach helps ensure that when you do reach your goal weight, you have all the tools at your disposal including behaviours and habits to ensure you can sustain it long term.

If you're looking for advice on how to build a healthy, sustainable diet plan, the British Nutrition Foundation offers some helpful tips.

Incorporating Regular Exercise

Not only does regular physical activity burn calories, it also helps to build and maintain muscle. More muscle can increase your basal metabolic rate, helping you to burn more calories at rest. The brain chemicals released after exercise can also give your mood a huge boost, helping you to stay motivated and improve your mental health.

Exercise isn't all about weight loss though. Being obese increases the risk of a variety of cardiovascular problems, but exercise can actually help to counteract that risk and reduce the chance of having a heart attack or stroke.

It's important to opt for types of exercise you enjoy, but if you want to learn more about the types of exercise that help with weight loss, read our article here.

Behavioural Changes and Mental Health

Many people use eating as a strategy to cope with how they're feeling, but this can make things worse. It's important to develop other ways to deal with stress, such as exercising, mindfulness, yoga, writing down your feelings, or even seeking help from a professional.

By putting strategies in place to deal with stress when you're feeling ok, you'll find it easier to use these skills when the time comes rather than turning to food.

Trying to lose weight can be challenging, both physically and mentally. Try to celebrate the small wins as you go, and get friends and family on board to help you stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey.

Who Should Consider Weight Loss Treatments?

It's important to remember that weight loss medications aren't a quick fix. They can effectively support your weight loss efforts, but they only work along with diet and exercise changes. To be prescribed weight loss medication, you must have tried to lose weight by improving your diet and exercising more first.

You must also meet the strict BMI criteria (usually a BMI of ≥30 or ≥27 for someone with other weight-related health conditions.

These medications come with side effects, and not all weight loss medicines are suitable for everyone. It's important to discuss your individual needs with a professional before starting any new medication.

Weight management is a combination of many different aspects with the primary one being lifestyle change. We recognise the value of medicated weight treatments as part of a holistic management of body weight.

Quick Meds Weight Loss Service

How Quick Meds Can Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

At Quick Meds, we offer a specialist weight management service that you can access from the comfort of your home. We're a UK-based GPhC-certified online pharmacy that offers a variety of weight loss treatments delivered straight to your door.

As an independent pharmacy, we still maintain that personal touch whilst giving efficient, effective care. With over 90% 5-star reviews on Trustpilot, our customers love our "experienced staff", "fantastic support", and "outstanding customer service and delivery".

"From all online pharmacies in UK Quick Meds is the best in Customer Service and best in Prices!! I have tried others but in my experience Quick Meds is the number 1 for my weight injectables!"

Andre - Quick Meds Customer

How to Get Started with Quick Meds' Weight Loss Service

Quick Meds offers discreet, safe, and secure consultations with our team of healthcare professionals. You'll receive the best advice and personalised treatments to help you achieve your goals.

We offer licensed treatments such as Wegovy, Mounjaro & Orlistat. Our trained staff are also happy to discuss other popular weight loss medications.

Follow our simple process to get started today:

  1. Complete your online consultation

  2. Choose your preferred treatment and complete checkout.

  3. Have your personalised, one-to-one consultation with one of our experienced professionals where treatment is tailored to your specific circumstances with advice to suit.

  4. Continue your journey to a healthier weight and lifestyle.

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Losing weight has many health benefits, but it can be hard to get rid of that excess weight through diet and exercise alone. Prescription weight loss treatment can be a helpful aid, but should always be taken under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Quick Meds' online weight loss service offers expert advice and treatment that's accessible from anywhere in the UK.


Where can I buy Wegovy?

Wegovy is a prescription-only medication and as such it is only available after you've had a consultation with a suitable prescriber. At Quick Meds, we offer a comprehensive weight loss service which includes individually tailored advice to help achieve the best results.

Who is prescription weight loss treatment for?

Have you tried to lose weight by making lifestyle changes, like reducing food intake and regular exercise, but you're not seeing any results? Is your BMI classed as obese? If so, prescription weight loss treatment might be for you.

What other weight loss treatments are there?

Exercising regularly and eating fewer calories is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. If medication isn't working, another more drastic option is bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery.

Do you need a certain BMI to get weight loss treatment?

Yes, but the BMI cut-off varies between prescription medications. A BMI of 30-35 is typically required, but it can be as low as 28 if you suffer from other health conditions. Your prescriber will prescribe at their discretion and often they may tailor treatment to patients who may not necessarily meet the guideline criteria but for whom there would be a real benefit.

Can you get slimming tablets on the NHS?

Similarly to injections, Orlistat, the most common weight management tablet, is available on the NHS under certain conditions.

Are there non-prescription alternatives to these medicat

A lower dose of Orlistat can be obtained over the counter without a prescription. Other medications are available online, but research into the active ingredients in these weight-loss treatment options is limited.

Can you get weight loss injections on the NHS?

Yes, but there can be a much longer waiting list than for private prescriptions and far stricter criteria.

Are weight loss injections safe?

Yes, weight loss injections have been licensed by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) which means they are safe to be prescribed to suitable patients by a healthcare professional.

How quickly can I expect to see results?

It can take a few weeks from starting treatment to notice you're losing weight. If it's been several months without any results, consider an alternative treatment option.

Can these medications be taken in combination?

No, it's not safe to take Orlistat, Saxenda, or Wegovy at the same time. You shouldn't combine any medications without medical consultation.

What is the new NHS weight loss injection?

Mounjaro was licensed for weight loss in the UK in November 2023, making it the newest weight loss injection.

What other weight loss treatments are there?

Exercising regularly and eating fewer calories is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. If medication isn't working, another more drastic option is bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery.

How can I manage the cost of these weight loss treatment

First, look into whether you qualify for free NHS treatment and how long the waiting time is. Make sure to research the cost, compare providers, and think seriously about whether the treatment is affordable for you.

How much do weight loss injections cost?

Prices vary depending on whether a prescription is NHS or private. Private weight loss injection prices start at £145.

What treatment do celebrities use to lose weight?

Many celebrities have discussed using Ozempic to lose weight, but it isn't licensed for weight loss in the UK. However, Wegovy contains the same active ingredient and is a great alternative that's more easily available in the UK.

What should I expect during a weight loss journey with Quick Meds?

Our team will discuss your individual needs with you in a consultation before prescribing the most effective medication. We'll stay in contact with regular follow-up and reminders when it's time for your next prescription. We're here with you for the whole journey.

Can I continue to take weight loss treatment after I reach a healthy BMI?

Absolutely. At Quick Meds, we recognise the health benefits of using medicated weight loss treatments and will always support patients with a healthier lifestyle.

This may mean that we encourage a lifestyle change alongside treatment or any combination of the above. Typically we will support patients with a healthy BMI and then we will begin having discussions around withdrawing the medication if you feel comfortable; we will always consider your health first and if you decide you want to continue (as long as it is without a break in treatment) we'll support this as long as it remains safe for you to do so. Any longer-term treatment is constantly reviewed and we'll have discussions with you about ensuring a lifestyle change is accompanying any treatment we provide.

Written by

Reviewed by

Ahsan Bhatti

Superintendent Pharmacist, Senior Prescriber