Ramadan is a holy month of significance and one of the core pillars for those of the Islamic faith.

Muslims all around the world observe a month of fasting during which able-bodied, healthy individuals refrain from eating and drinking from dawn until after sunset. Children, the elderly, pregnant women and those with health conditions that may make fasting difficult are exempt. This practice allows for teachings of self-control, self-discipline, sacrifice and empathy.

Those who are looking to prevent weight gain or lose weight during Ramadan may find it challenging to keep up a healthy diet or stick to a diet plan. It may be difficult to remain in a state of calorie deficit, as once the fast is broken in the evening, this meal may consist of carbohydrate-heavy and richer foods.

More calories than usual may be consumed as you may have sweet cravings during the non-fasting period. Exert maximum effort when attempting to lose weight during Ramadan to ensure that your meals are well-balanced and nutritious.

Wegovy is an injectable prescription medication which can act as an aid to weight loss alongside a healthy diet and regular exercise. Mounjaro is also available as a weight loss medication and has two pathways via which it helps you to lose weight.

Understanding Weight Loss Injections: Mounjaro and Wegovy

What Are Mounjaro and Wegovy?

Wegovy contains the active ingredient semaglutide. Mounjaro contains the active ingredient tirzepatide. Both work by creating a feeling of earlier fullness and slowing down the movement of food through the gut. This takes place due to the action of the GLP-1 hormone which is usually released in response to the consumption of food.

Mounjaro also increases the body's sensitivity to insulin and causes the hormone GIP to remain free for longer, increasing insulin release, thereby reducing free sugars and controlling blood sugar levels. This will in turn help to avoid the storage of sugars and aid weight loss.

So, Wegovy and Mounjaro both increase levels of the hormone GLP-1, but Mounjaro also increases levels of GIP significantly.

The Importance of Weight Management During Ramadan

Gaining weight during Ramadan can lead to increased fat levels, where you are losing muscle and not burning fat. This can lead to cardiovascular complications and dysregulated blood sugar control. To avoid this, ensure the number of calories you burn exceeds the number of calories you consume. Avoid a sedentary lifestyle and carry out regular cardiovascular exercises as well as training your muscles.

Although it may be quicker and more convenient to open your fast with fast foods, fried foods, carbohydrate rich and high-sugar meals, it is advisable to consume a balanced meal during both Ramadan and the non-fasting period. This means incorporating high protein, high fibre and a good balance of fresh vegetables.

Fasting During Ramadan: An Overview

The Basics of Ramadan Fasting

You may be familiar with intermittent fasting but those who are taking part in the holy month of Ramadan do not eat or drink during daylight hours at all. One meal (suhoor or sehri) is eaten just before dawn and another (iftar) just after sunset.

Fasting allows for spiritual growth and development where one can concentrate on practising worship, gratefulness, empathy and self-discipline. Time is devoted to prayers and recitation of the Holy Qur'an which allows for closeness to God and Islam.

Fasting has been shown to trigger the body's immune system into producing new white blood cells that can help the body to fight off infections. A boost in cognitive function has been observed during periods of fasting. Studies have also shown that fasting can enhance the release of growth hormone.

How Fasting Affects Your Body

Studies have shown that during Ramadan, the body’s metabolism slows down during the day to conserve energy stores. You may experience fat loss as shown in studies where subjects consuming 1220Kcal daily during the 4-week period lost 2.8% fat in the body. This occurs because the body does not have enough glucose to generate energy so starts to break down fat instead.

A reduction in blood pressure has been observed during fasting and even in the days after Ramadan. This may be due to changes that occur after 8 to 12 hours of fasting. It may be challenging to maintain muscle due to the lengthy fasting period, the limited hours during which you can consume food as well as exercise regimes being adjusted.

Taking Mounjaro or Wegovy During Ramadan

Guidelines for Using Weight Loss Injections During Ramadan

It may be ideal to administer your dose of either Wegovy or Mounjaro on your chosen day of the week after your pre-dawn (suhoor) meal. This is so that you may experience a feeling of fullness throughout the day as the GLP-1 hormone is released in the body.

Feel free to contact one of our clinicians here at Quick Meds to have a consultation regarding how to administer your dose, timing that would suit you as well as any questions you may have concerning weight loss treatments in Ramadan.

Adjusting Your Diet and Exercise Regimen

It is vital to consume a healthy and balanced diet during the pre-dawn and sunset meals so that you can replenish stores and nourish the body with foods that will fill you up and release energy slowly rather than cause spikes in blood sugar levels. Whole grains, lean meats, fruit, vegetables and healthy fats from nuts and olive oil should be incorporated at mealtimes.

Fasting does not mean that you cannot carry out any form of exercise. During fasting hours, try a brisk walk, swimming, gardening, or other gentle exercises. Between sunset and the pre-dawn meal may be an ideal time to carry out more demanding exercises such as cardio and weight training in order to keep on seeing results with weight loss.

Managing Weight Loss and Fasting: Practical Tips

Balancing Calorie Intake and Energy Expenditure

Generally, the recommended daily intake of calories is 2500 for men and 2000 for women. Manage your daily calorie intake by consuming just under this figure for weight loss. Build more balanced meals and avoid fatty, deep-fried, carb-heavy and sugary foods. Foods such as grilled salmon, chicken, vegetables, brown rice and quinoa are options to be considered. This will help to maintain calories at a limit where you are using up more energy than that which you are consuming during your meals.

Tips to promote fat loss and maintain muscle mass during Ramadan are to:

  • Reduce your carbohydrate intake or try to include complex carbohydrates as part of your diet.

  • Try to increase protein as part of your suhoor and iftar meals.

  • Avoid drinks high in sugar.

  • Limit the intake of desserts.

  • Try to stay active but avoid the sun.

Healthy Eating During Ramadan

Meals pre-dawn (suhoor) should be low calorie yet help you to feel full during the day, releasing energy slowly. Foods such as oatmeal, eggs, fish, poultry, legumes, cottage cheese and Greek yoghurt can be considered.

The sunset meal (iftar) should also consist of similar foods with a low-calorie content. Chicken breast and red meat are a great high protein and iron option with legumes and wholegrains for those who do not consume meat.

Complex carbohydrates are digested slowly and help you to feel fuller for longer. Some examples include wholewheat bread and pasta, fruits, beans and vegetables such as corn and peas. Green vegetables such as spinach, asparagus and kale are beneficial in reducing hunger. Protein-rich foods behave as an energy source which can transport and store nutrients. They are crucial to building and repairing the body's tissues as well as driving metabolic reactions.

The Role of Hydration and Avoiding High-Fat Foods

It is vital to stay hydrated outside of fasting hours so you are not dehydrated. Drink between 8 to 12 glasses of water between Iftar and suhoor. Avoid excessive consumption of salts, spices and sugary foods. Limit caffeine and nicotine intake to maintain an optimal level of hydration.

Try to avoid fried and high-fat foods as these are very dense in calories but not very filling. Instead, try sautéing or stir-frying in a high-quality oil. Sugary drinks can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels and increased calorie consumption. These should be substituted with water, infused waters or herbal teas.

Safety Considerations and Professional Advice

Consulting Healthcare Professionals

It is important to seek medical advice before initiating weight loss treatment such as Wegovy or Mounjaro as there is important advice that must be adhered to for optimal results. The importance of staying hydrated to avoid dehydration and kidney issues will be explained with emphasis, especially during Ramadan. Clinicians can also offer advice on the types of foods that should be consumed at pre-dawn and sunset meals to achieve weight loss healthily.

Those who have underlying health conditions must consult with a healthcare professional before treatment to ensure it will be safe. Tailored advice will be offered in relation to the medical condition and you will be counselled on how to spot any alarming symptoms.

Monitoring Body Composition and Health Markers

If you are attempting to lose weight during Ramadan, it is vital to take note of any weight changes so that you are aware of your progress. It may be the case that you need to amend your diet or exercise to meet your goals.

Keeping track of markers such as body fat percentage is important as a high percentage can lead to chronic health conditions. Too little can also cause health issues. Fat is necessary to regulate glucose, cholesterol, energy storage/release and hormone metabolism. You can measure your percentage at home with bioelectrical impedance scales.

If you are prone to episodes of high or low blood pressure, you should monitor this when fasting. When high, symptoms include severe headaches, chest pain, dizziness, difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting. Symptoms of low blood pressure are lightheadedness, blurred vision, palpitations, dizziness and fainting. A monitor can be used at home to make sure that you are within a healthy range. 

If you are experiencing certain side effects when using Wegovy or Mounjaro during Ramadan, this may indicate that you need to make some lifestyle changes. If you are experiencing nausea or acid reflux you may want to ask yourself ‘Am I eating an excessive amount of fried food?’ or ‘Is the food I am eating very oily or spicy?’ Side effects such as headaches should make you re-evaluate your water intake and try to increase this during non-fasting hours.

If you feel as though you are making all the correct lifestyle changes but are still struggling with treatment, especially during Ramadan, feel free to contact one of our clinicians at Quick Meds. We can have a chat with you to figure out how to maximise results from treatment. This may mean making dosage adjustments or advising on amendments to your routine.


  1. Maintain a balanced diet including complex carbs, protein, and fibre.

  2. Avoid fatty, sugary, and oily foods - inadequate food intake will make you gain weight.

  3. Remain physically active to burn calories and lose body weight. Resistance training after your evening meal can help prevent weight gain.

  4. Manage your calorie intake to ensure that energy consumed is not more than energy expended.

  5. Regarding your weight loss treatment, find a dosing schedule which suits you.

  6. Discuss any concerns about weight loss during Ramadan with a healthcare professional.

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Reviewed by

Wajahet Ali Bhatti

Clinical Governance Pharmacist

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